Tension structure connection details

January 1, 2010  |  Continuing Education, Hardware & Rigging

God is in the details when it comes to tension structure design Ludwig Mies van der Rohe got it right when he said “God is in the details.” Another well-worn phrase has it that we must sweat the details and the big things will take care of themselves, so with this article we look at &hel…
Aging of membrane materials

November 17, 2009  |  Continuing Education

How to keep membrane materials looking new over time. By Mark Zeh Unlike Henry Ford, who claimed you could get his automobiles in any color as long as it was black, fabric structures do come in more than one color. However, sometimes these alternate colors are unintentional. Here are several tips on…
Hearing fabric

September 1, 2009  |  Continuing Education

The why and wherefore of designing for sound with textiles. By Todd Willmert All building materials are acoustical; all affect how sound is reflected, absorbed or transmitted. Through materials, sound can be sustained through reflection or made to dissipate through absorption. Transmission touches o…
Regulatory considerations in the design of fabric awnings

July 1, 2009  |  Continuing Education

By James A. Strapko Awnings in the architectural design process Recent trends in building regulations for commercial and residential projects may push architects toward taking awning design more seriously. In the past, architects have been tempted to view the awning as a discrete, subordinate elemen…
Vertical green

May 1, 2009  |  Continuing Education

By Clare Miflin The global population is increasing rapidly, and by 2010 more than 50%, some 3.3 billion people, will live in urban areas. While cities offer opportunities for living with a low ecological footprint, they suffer from pollution, noise and remoteness from nature. Integrating vegetation…
Lighting the way

March 1, 2009  |  Continuing Education

Fabric’s traditional role in architecture has centered on shading, with awnings or other fabric constructions tempering the sun. Yet today, sunlight — the natural light form — has competition. By Todd Willmert Writing in the early 1900s, the noted Swiss-French architect Le Corbusie…
Specifying green roof fabrics

January 1, 2009  |  Continuing Education

Learning how to make the right material choices, without compromising sustainability. By Bruce Dvorak Roofscapes across North America are beginning to turn green, not just because of their hue, or sustainable fabrication, but “green” in an organic sense of the word. Rooftops are blooming…
Fabric façades

September 1, 2008  |  Continuing Education

New sustainable advantages can be found by wrapping a building in fabric. By Steve Fredrickson Fabric façades are quickly becoming an important component in today’s architectural world, in large part due to their ease of design but, more importantly, as a means to drastically reduce ene…
Graphics for better buildings

July 1, 2008  |  Continuing Education

Enlivening building façades and streetscapes to create places for people. By Paula Rees It is time that designers take a breath of responsibility and think creatively. Fabric architecture’s uses, new materials and technological advances offer endless options and incredible design possib…
Artists and architects

May 1, 2008  |  Continuing Education

Launching a working relationship. By Regina M. Flanagan Recently, I was one of 63 artists invited to submit credentials to design the portico for the Pines Dining Hall at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. The Blue Ridge Mountains are a backdrop for the school and I imagined the undulating …