Opening up The Shell

June 1, 2022  |  Case Studies, Features

Fans of the San Diego Symphony have been singing praises for the new outdoor performance venue featuring The Rady Shell, inaugurated August 6, 2021, with a full-orchestra concert and a packed audience. As any musician will tell you, acoustics at outdoor performances are often a disappointing aural e…
The greening of outdoor fabrics

June 1, 2022  |  Features

Green. Sustainable. Environmentally friendly. These issues are top of mind for manufacturers of all kinds, and outdoor fabric manufacturers and end product manufacturers are no different. But what does it all mean? How does one measure immediate impact against long-term impact? How do businesses mee…
Flame-retardant shade sails

June 1, 2022  |  Awnings & Shades, Markets

As the world continues to call for commercial fabrics that can withstand ever-greater environmental challenges, shade sail vendors are waiting to see whether that will translate into greater demand for flame-retardant (FR) shade sails.
Outdoor canopy build is true collaboration

June 1, 2022  |  Projects

A seemingly simple job can sometimes create many challenges but still result in a great finished project. A case in point is the canopy built for a homeowner’s outdoor space by Fresco Shades, of Auckland, New Zealand. The homeowner had provided a CAD drawing of the desired space and even visited t…
Ultrafabrics partners with Mercato Place

June 1, 2022  |  News

Ultrafabrics, an animal-free performance fabric producer, announced its partnership with Mercato Place, an online resource where interior designers and architects can quickly access textile samples.