At this year’s annual meeting during IFAI Expo 2019, IFAI presented the Outstanding Volunteer Awards, recognizing members who generously gave of their time to serve on different boards, task forces and committees, judged competitions and provided education and leadership to others in the industry.
This year’s winners:
Amy Bircher, president, MMI Textiles Inc.
Jonathan Chakales, national sales manager, Marlen Textiles
Valerie Cuchna, MFC, Material Resources Liaison, Fabric Images Inc.
Wendy McBay, marketing, Tensar Intl. Corp.
Brian Richardson, president, L & A Tent Rentals Inc.
Eric Sevy, production manager, Sugarhouse Industries
The Outstanding Volunteer Awards were created in 2012, designed to recognize volunteers who have regularly gone above and beyond to help, guide and advise. Since 2012, 33 people have received this award.