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ATA announces scholarship endowment for textiles students

News | February 1, 2023 | By:

The Advanced Textiles Association (ATA) and North Carolina State University (NC State) have announced the creation of the Advanced Textiles Association Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship Endowment, which will support textiles student development at NC State’s Wilson College of Textiles and promote the textiles industry as a rewarding and valuable career path. 

Funding for this endowment comes from the remaining assets in the Industrial Fabrics Foundation (IFF), as well as a pledge from ATA to fund it annually for the next few years. Then, with matching funds from NC State donors, this endowment will become a perpetual fund into the future.

“On behalf of our members, ATA is pleased to provide this scholarship to textiles students. Our industry is in need of workforce development and our hope is that this scholarship is a part of that development,” says Steve Schiffman, President and CEO of ATA.

This ATA Scholarship Endowment will be used to provide need-based scholarships for undergraduate students enrolled in the Wilson College of Textiles. The scholarship will live in perpetuity, providing a $3,000 scholarship to a textiles student each year. ATA has plans to help match member companies with candidates for internship and employment opportunities via this scholarship endowment, its Career Center and other future efforts. Scholarship recipients will also be provided with professional development opportunities to learn, discover and innovate within the college’s state-of-the-art facilities.

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