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Current code activity

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Flammability specification revision

NFPA 701 is one of the most commonly cited U.S. flammability standards in the specialty fabrics industry, and is entering into its 2010 revision cycle. Proposals were due in May 2008, with revision work taking place throughout 2009. the revision cycle includes an opportunity to comment on proposals. Contact:

National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
Quincy, Mass
+1 617 770 3000
Fax +1 617 770 0700

California code adoption and revision

The state of California recently adopted the International Building Code (IBC), but has made a key change to the section on structural requirements for tents. Rather than referencing Chapter 16 of the IBC, it uses language that has been tentatively indentified as orginating in an older version of NFPA 102. This could potentially lead to the problem of tent installers needing two different sets of engineering calculations. The IFAI Code Committee contacted the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and has been advised that they are aware of the discrepancy, and that it will be addressed in future revisions. In the meantime, tent installers are advised to use Chapter 16 of the IBC, and to contact the CSFM should they have issues with local officials.

California is also in the process of revising its textile flammability requirements. The CSFM is not accepting additional members on the task force for the revision, but the public will have an opportunity to comment, at a date to be determined. Contact:

Office of the California State Fire Marshal
Sacramento, CA
+1 916 445 8200
Fax +1 916 445 8509

Other sources

International Code Council
Falls Church, VA
+1 888 422 7233

National Society of Professional Engineers
Alexandria, VA
+1 703 684 2800

Juli Case is IFAI’s Information and Technical Services Manager and the chair of the IFAI Code Committee. She is also a member of ASTM, NFPA, and ICC, and serves on the Technical Advisory Committee for the ISO committee for textiles.

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