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Stadium features largest multiple-layered membrane structure in China

Exteriors | March 1, 2009 | By:

Shanghai Taiyo Kogyo Co. Ltd. | Shanghai, China

Shanghai Taiyo Kogyo Corp. created the Natatorium of FoShan Shijilian Sports Center, an important membrane structure, which won an Outstanding Achievement Award in the tensile structures, more than 25,000 sq. ft. category of the 2008 International Achievement Awards, adjacent to Foshan Stadium in FoShan, Shanghai, China. It was built for holding major domestic competitions and is the largest multiple-layered membrane structure in China. Cables and struts connect the three layers of membrane. Single pipe girders are used at the outside of the structure. Underneath the single pipe girders, three layers of membrane are used for different purposes. The top two layers are PVDF material and are used for saving energy of the building. The bottom layer is PTFE material and is used for sound absorption.

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