A 50-meter dome for a mobile anniversary celebration.
When a company celebrating its 150th year in business desired a custom, relocatable temporary structure to host anniversary events in 2013–2014, the client approached HTS/Höcker Clearspan Structures, Kefenrod, Germany, to design, manufacturer and install a fabric structure that met unique requirements.
The result was a 50-meter clearspan dome that incorporated specialized fabrication in both the fabric membrane and the aluminum and steel components used within the structure.
The company planned to celebrate its anniversary in multiple locations and needed a movable structure in which to hold its events. The structure needed to be fully demountable and easy to reinstall. The type of events planned for the structure demanded both a large clearspan internal area combined with a high internal clear height. The building also needed to be round because of the client’s site-specific dimensional restrictions.
HTS delivered a domed structure that featured customized curved rafters and an impressive 18.5-meter internal ridge height. The structure was specially designed to handle specific weight loading requirements for hanging heavy duty lighting trusses, AV and rigging for acrobatic equipment—essential for the client’s shows.
The structure was installed with the help of a central tower that was removed once all the structural frame elements were in place, creating a complete clearspan 50-meter structure. The interior was fitted with a special insulated liner that doubled as a screen for the projection of images around the internal perimeter during the shows.
The structure featured a number of accessory options including 10 double means of escape (MOE) door units, a 6-meter-wide roller shutter door, four main entrance door sets, an insulated internal liner and HVAC equipment.
The dome was first installed in Brussels, Belgium. With HTS meeting tight deadlines, the client’s 150th anniversary celebrations were a success thanks in part to the structure that housed the events.