The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) launched its web-based Injury Tracking Application (ITA) on Aug. 1, and extended the deadline for submitting 2016 injury and illness data to Dec. 1, 2017.
The reporting requirements are part of a final rule issued in October 2016 to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illnesses. The new rule, which took effect Jan. 1, requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data that they are already required to record on their onsite OSHA Injury and Illness forms.
Analysis of this data will enable OSHA to use its enforcement and compliance assistance resources more efficiently. Some of the data will also be posted to the OSHA website. OSHA believes that public disclosure will encourage employers to improve workplace safety and provide valuable information to workers, job seekers, customers, researchers and the general public. The amount of data submitted will vary depending on the size of company and type of industry.
How to submit data
The web-based form allows employers to electronically submit required injury and illness data from their completed 2016 OSHA Form 300A. The application is accessible from the ITA web page,
The reporting requirements apply to businesses with 250 or more employees that are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records, and establishments with 20-249 employees that are classified in industries with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. This includes businesses that fall under the “consumer goods rental” (including tent and party rental) and “general rental centers” classifications.
Businesses with 250 or more employees must electronically submit information from OSHA Forms 300 (Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses), 300A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses), and 301 (Injury and Illness Incident Report). Businesses with 20-249 employees must electronically submit information from OSHA Form 300A.
The new reporting requirements are being phased in over a two-year period. The reporting deadline for the 2017 forms is July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019, businesses must submit the information for the previous year’s data by March 2 of the following year.
The data submission process involves four steps: (1) Creating an establishment; (2) adding 300A summary data; (3) submitting data to OSHA; and (4) reviewing the confirmation email. The secure website offers three options for data submission. One option enables users to manually enter data into a web form. Another option gives users the ability to upload a CSV file to process single or multiple establishments at the same time. A third option allows users of automated recordkeeping systems to transmit data electronically via an application programming interface.
The ITA web page includes information on reporting requirements, a list of frequently asked questions and a link to request assistance with completing the form.