For more than 70 years, IFAI’s International Achievement Awards (IAA) competition has acknowledged innovation and excellence in design and fabrication. This year’s winners were selected based on project complexity, design, workmanship, uniqueness and function. We received a total of 235 entries from 11 countries.
Seven AOE recipients were also chosen as “Best in Category” winners: Fabric Structures: Comercial Industrial Delta SA (CIDELSA), Lima, Peru; Awnings and Canopies: J. Miller Canvas Inc., Santa Ana, Calif, USA; Fabric Environments: Fabric Images Inc., Elgin, Ill., USA; Marine Fabrication: David’s Custom Trimmers, Wakerley, Queensland, Australia; Tent Rental and Manufacturing: Fiesta Tents Ltd., Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada; Geosynthetics: ACE Geosynthetics Inc., Taichung City, Taiwan; Advanced Textiles: Coppins Sea Anchors Ltd., Motueka, New Zealand.
Detailed product descriptions and photos of all 2017 IAA winners are posted at IAA awards for fabric structures are posted at