First single-layer ETFE membrane installed in North America

January 1, 2009  |  Exteriors

Structurflex LLC, Kansas City, Mo. & Structurflex Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand This is the first single-layer ETFE membrane system, which won an Award of Excellence in the commercial canopies category of the 2008 International Achievement Awards, built in North America. It is a lightweight and se…
Elegant canopy helps set restaurant patio apart

January 1, 2009  |  Exteriors

Miami Awning Co. | Miami, Fla., United States This is a beautifully elegant patio canopy, which won an Outstanding Achievement Award in the commercial canopies category of the 2008 International Achievement Awards, for the terrace of the Zurra Restaurant in Miami, Fla. This is not a typical patio be…
Zeppelin canopy promotes popular roller coaster

January 1, 2009  |  Exteriors

Sundance Mfg. Inc. | Orlando, Fla., United States The intent of this project, which won an Outstanding Achievement Award in the commercial canopies category of the 2008 International Achievement Awards, was to create a high profile canopy incorporating the Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven the…
Fabric canopies showcase the flexibility of space

January 1, 2009  |  Exteriors, Features

Two public atria — one in Peru, the other in Mexico — welcome natural light in poetic interplay. Dance of the sun In the heart of Oaxaca, a historic southern Mexican city east of Acapulco, is a popular tourist destination called Los Danzantes (“The Dancers”). Los Danzantes is…
Semi-circular awning helps spruce up old warehouse

January 1, 2009  |  Exteriors, Features

Transforming a tired brick box into a lively center for selling tires. When Chicago architect Terri Johnson got the call from a client to spruce up an old warehouse, she assumed the job would be straightforward. What she found at the project site in Hammond, Ind., was an extremely plain, windowless …
Dome houses Made in Berlin exhibition

September 1, 2008  |  Exteriors

Berlin has a new creative ambassador in the form of the Berlin Design Dome. The dome was created to house the Made in Berlin exhibition at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, a trade show for furniture and interior design. The dome, designed by Susanne Philippson and Zendome, was built to…
Australia’s largest temporary shade structure keeps sports cool

September 1, 2008  |  Exteriors

Tradition is important at Victoria Park Racecourse, where sporting events, from equestrian competitions to the Clipsal 500 Adelaide V-8 Supercar race, attract South Australian enthusiasts. Full sun-exposure detracts from patrons’ enjoyment, and while permanent solutions are debated, Shadework …
World’s largest mobile venue to tour

September 1, 2008  |  Exteriors

Norwegian designers, Various Architects (VA) have designed the Mobile Performance Venue (MPV) for the Arts Alliance Productions performance “ID – Identity of the Soul”, which will tour worldwide in 2009. The MPV is a dynamically twisting 90m by 60m ellipse with curving walls and a …
High-tech lightweight fabric roof covers performance facility

September 1, 2008  |  Exteriors

Early August, 5,000 patrons attended the inaugural performance by the Sun Valley Symphony in its new performance facility, the Sun Valley Pavilion, in Trail Creek Canyon of Sun Valley, Idaho. The amphitheater, designed by FTL Design Engineering Studio, reflects acoustical excellence, sporting a high…
Zenith performance space in Strasbourg wraps itself in color and light

September 1, 2008  |  Exteriors, Features

By Helen Elias Close your eyes and think of a traditional Chinese lantern — one of those round, red ones that look like it might have been pulled out of the center of a concertina. Push the shape around just a little, until it is almost elliptical, and color it a bright, vibrant orange. Then &…