
Upscale shade options complement outdoor living trends

April 1st, 2018

While many manufacturers concentrate on making smart products that give people convenient and luxurious control over functions in their homes and businesses, others are finding ways to make the outdoors equally responsive and comfortable to lifestyles in the Internet of Things age. A robotics company in Pasadena, Calif., is, in fact, throwing all its weight […]

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Shade options that go beyond the basics

August 1st, 2017

Successful marketing and selling means reaching, educating and caring for customers—in print, in person and online. Awnings, shades and screens offer a wide and appealing range of benefits, attested to by virtually every website in the business. But homeowners in particular concentrate on five letters: s-h-a-d-e. “UV protection is important, but not mentioned as much […]

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Inflatables grab public attention

December 19th, 2016

Companies and event organizers use inflatables to grab public attention and promote their brands. Although he now sells spaces in luxury subterranean survival shelters, Robert Vicino once focused his entrepreneurial spirit on loftier altitudes. He put a 90-foot King Kong on the Empire State Building and designed Otto the Autopilot for the farcical movie Airplane. […]

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Beyond the rectangle

December 1st, 2015

Fabric structure manufacturers are stretching their boundaries with new shapes and flexible materials for temporary structures for events. Consider, if you will, the Pythagoreans, who dissected a sphere as early as 600 B.C. Latecomers like Plato and Buckminster Fuller took the ball and ran with it, so to speak. But in 2015, Platonic polyhedral/geodesic domes […]

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